Turtle Towers

This site is a place for us to share stories of our day-to-day lives as practioners of magic, and to document our Grand Experiment - what happens when you live your magic every day of your life? When you bring it out of the books and weave it right into your domestic fabric?

It’s also a place for us to offer our services, hawk our wares, and relentlessly plug our daft projects. Even magicians have to hustle sometimes…

The Smiths

Once upon a time, a witch and a wizard met on the internet and fell in love. The witch packed her cats and moved to Wigan, and they all lived happily ever after in a little house called Turtle Towers.

Mr Smith

Mr Smith was raised by a family of pious wild boars who roamed the moors of the North of England declaring the Good News. Having only ever been allowed to read the Good Book, Mr Smith has a strange way of speaking and thinking.

He was abandoned by the age of steam and decided to make his name in the town of Wigan. He didn’t want to become a magician (a family business, apparently) and tried several other trades first. Butcher, Bingo Caller, International Consultant and Playwright - there was nothing he couldn’t ruin with his musician’s fingers.

Finally, after a crisis of biblical proportions, he relented to the call of the spirits. C’est la vie. The Bingo world’s loss was the esoteric world’s burden.

Mrs Smith

Mrs Smith is a poet, an artist and a practioner of mainly made-up magic. Combining witchcraft, chaos and a hotline to God (He thinks she’s cute), Mrs Smith gets what Mrs Smith wants.